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Avatar: pieroxy

Re: Just released: lz-string

Well... I haven't had a look at the C# port of the lib, so there may be an issue there. I have a few remarks though:
  • Compression on the server looks rather useless here. gzip is built in every server and browser out there, performs better and should be used when going from the server to the client.
  • The decompression routine is much faster than the compression one
  • The lib is meant for small amounts of data, and its dictionary isn't capped. So with large chunks of data it may take a lot of memory. 200kb looks very low in this regard and I have compressed much larger chunks of data in browsers in a timely fashion.
  • I have a port of lz4 in javascript coming but I really have no timeline for it. I may be able to work on it a little more in the coming weeks (holiday season) but I make no promises.
Can you tell me if you are having memory issues or CPU issues? On which method do you see those issues (compress, decompress...) ?

Re: Just released: lz-string

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