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Re: Just released: lz-string

Hi pieroxy. A week ago i decided to use LZString on my project because JSON messages were very large to send to client. I'm currently using Node.js as backend and your library did amazing things on compression and decompression. On my client side, i have both Java and Javascript and on Java side I had problems using the ownaginatious/lz-string-java. The Decompression method did not decompress data from server and my backend code wasn't decompressing data sent from client either. So i decided to implement the exact model of 1.3.3 version of your Javascript LZString Library. And thanks to this post: http://www.productiverage.com/javascript-compression-putting-my-json-search-indexes-on-a-diet, i achieved what I needed using the utf16 compression and decompression on both sides (server and client). So, i would like to share this Java code with whoever have those needs too: https://github.com/diogoduailibe/lzstring4j. If you or anybody have feedbacks, please let me know. Thank's.

Re: Just released: lz-string

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