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Avatar: kevin

Re: Just released: lz-string

This library and your work are inspiring. keep it up. this is minor and I feel bad pointing it out; https://pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/index.html#inline_menu_5 should reference base64 as being about 133% of the original binary size (not 166%) on a side note, do you have any interest in incorporating a base128 encoder into lz-string? I've got some pretty ugly javascript i'm happy to pass along (this is an extreme edge case but yields a cost of only 114.3% increase in size for certain storage implementations that can be coaxed into the charset=iso-8859-1 including offline html presented from disc or thumbdrive.)

Re: Just released: lz-string

HTML : b, strong, i, em, blockquote, br, p, pre, a href="", ul, ol, li, sub, sup
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