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Re: Just released: lz-string

Anyway, port is done, and have the code on production for 2 weeks, seems all OK.

My code is much more faster than dioduailibe's implement which i think is too slow to be used on real production.
And dioduailibe's one is lack of [compressToBase64], which is excatly i need ...
Also, mine has a Rhino engine testcase.

With a 559KB large JSON to compress on i5-3570k @3.40GHz.
dioduailibe's code need 907ms.
Mozilla's Rhino engine need 649ms.(Which may be faster in continuous real production, 'cause Rhino env init slow. dioduailibe's is even slower than Rhino...)
my code need 117ms.

My code is at

Can you give a link in the doc?

Re: Just released: lz-string

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