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Re: Just released: lz-string

Good! Now what we need to figure out if it is the decompression or the compression that doesn't work.

You have two strings: one that works and one that doesn't. Here is the result of the compression in Base46 of both your strings:

LZString135.compressToBase64("hello1hello2hello3hello4hello5hello6") => "BYUwNmD2CMoZAmOUDMzIBZ0FZ0DYgA=="
LZString135.compressToBase64("hello1hello2hello3hello4hello5") => "BYUwNmD2CMoZAmOUDMzIBZ0FYgA="

Can you post here the result of the compression of both strings by your library (in base64)?

Re: Just released: lz-string

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