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decompress LZString in server side(java)

I am trying to send base64 details from client side(java script) to server(java). In order to reduce the base64 size, I am using lz-string.js as follow: var base64Data = "0dYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6g"; var compressed = LZString.compress(base64Data); As you aware Once it compressed by LZ the data will look like follow: enter image description here Hence I am sending the data to server side by following Ajax call: var formData = "img="+compressed"; jQuery.ajax({ url : "/myapplication/Saverequest", type: "POST", data : formData, cache: false, async:false, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { "); I can able to retrive the data in my action class(java) as it is. But I cant decomplress the the data. I do requrie the same I sent !(refer : base64Data) I did use few code in online regarding LZ (LZString.Java) but it is not decompressing the data!!

decompress LZString in server side(java)

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