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Quest for online music

I recently decided that online music was worth a shot. For plenty of reasons, convenience, price, vastness of the catalog, etc...

Then began my quest for an online music service. And my discovery of audio formats and DRM. I assumed stupidly that I would be able to just download MP3s that would conveniently play on my already numerous digital music players (Car radio, DVD player, portable CD player, Smartphone, Palm, etc...).


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My smartphone: SPV C500

It is fate that drove me to this smartphone. I would have hesitated in getting a Windows CE smartphone. Well, I own one now. You can have a look at the Wikipedia article as this phone is known by different names in different countries.

What is there to say? I got the phone a month ago, and am ready to express my first comments. I must concede that they are mostly criticism. I must also concede that I haven't own a cellular phone in 4 years before this episode.

Read more after the break.


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