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Avatar: tom

Re: CSS, Media Queries and Retina problem

Hi! Thank you for this very helpful resource. Here are the results for the Samsung Galaxy Note for your ever growing library: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; SM-N900V Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.59 Mobile Safari/537.36 @media Stage 2 Dynamic CSS loading @media screen: yes @media print: no @media handheld: no @media projection: no @media tty: no @media tv: no @media aural: no @media braille: no orientation: portrait Stage 3 px dimensions width: 360px height: 615px device-width: 360px device-height: 640px mm dimensions width: 95mm height: 162mm device-width:95mm device-height: 169mm em dimensions width: 22em height: 38em device-width: 22em device-height: 40em resolution resolution: 288dpi resolution: 3dppx device-pixel-ratio: 0 -webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3 -o-device-pixel-ratio: 0 -moz-(min-)device-pixel-ratio: 0 (min-)-moz-device-pixel-ratio: 0 color color: 8 color-index: 0 monochrome: 0 aspect-ratio aspect-ratio: 585/1000 Legend A feature supported. A feature unsupported. A feature supported but set to 'no'.

Re: CSS, Media Queries and Retina problem

HTML : b, strong, i, em, blockquote, br, p, pre, a href="", ul, ol, li, sub, sup
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