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Re: Just released: lz-string

Well, for my specific application it was crucial that data get compressed before being sent to clients. From what I understand, if I were to rely on the internal gzip of the webserver, there is a chance that some devices wouldn't support it and would request the uncompressed version, which would waste a lot of bandwidth. This kind of "guarantees" that the compression will always happen. The content I'm serving is already stored as files compressed using your algorithm :). I also wanted a method of sending compressed data back to a webserver, which from what I can tell isn't natively supported by many browsers.

I know that's an awfully specific purpose, but I figure someone else out there might find a clever use for a Java implementation :)

Also, I forgot to mention before - great library! Out of all the JS compression libraries I've looked through, yours is by far the easiest to use!

Re: Just released: lz-string

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