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Avatar: Steve Eller

Re: Just released: color-finder

I just found your script and I can't seem to find a solution to getting the background for my targeted div to be anything other than black. I have try setTimeout and it doesn't work. I also tried this to try to get the image to load before the script and it still doesn't work. Please go to: http://metooplace.com/test-post-1/ to see what I'm talking about. $("singlePostImg").one("load", function() { var rgb = new ColorFinder().getMostProminentColor(document.getElementById('singlePostImg')); document.getElementById("blogPageHeader").style.backgroundColor = 'rgb('+rgb.r+','+rgb.g+','+rgb.b+')'; }).each(function() { if(this.complete) $(this).load(); });

Re: Just released: color-finder

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